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Michael L. Nichnowitz, Attorney at Law (732) 968-4455

Properly Maintaining Your Vehicle

Michael L. Nichnowitz

July 19, 2024

Notice the care given this work truck. The list of violations are many. Starting with a broken front windshield (or better yet no windshield), another violation for no inspection sticker on the non-existent windshield. I have inspected client vehicles who were issued a moving violation(s) along with one tacked on for a crack in the windshield, a very tiny crack hardly noticeable. On any traffic stop a vehicle is subject to inspection.

So be aware that when stopped for a moving violation your vehicle may be given the once over. This truck has bald tires, the right front headlamp appears darker and burnt and eligible for a maintenance of lamps ticket, while the left is also inoperable. No mirrors exist on the truck, an equipment violation. In New Jersey the truck would be cited for no front plate unclear plates and based on the truck’s overall appalling condition including no engine shroud, a summons for unsafe vehicle.

Every once in a while and best to do it at night, run your vehicle with all lights on, walk around it, check each light, headlights low and high beams, directional signals and license plate lights to see that they are working. A burned out light can result in a traffic stop and a summons for maintenance of lamps.

Another violation I have seen many times involve cardboard scent trees hanging from mirrors and a summons issued for obstructed windshield. Best to avoid hanging an item from the mirror should it obstruct. Parking placards should not be left to hang from the mirror while driving.

Properly Maintaining Your Vehicle